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Accommodations for Students with Dyscalculia

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is defined as a learning disability specifically in math and numbers including the inability to understand the concept of numbers and applying math principles to solve problems. The following are signs and symptoms of dyscalculia:

  • Difficulty in counting backwards
  • Difficulty in recalling facts
  • Slow in performing calculations
  • Difficulty with subtractions
  • Difficulty using finger counting
  • Difficulty with the multiplication table
  • Poor mental math skills
  • Difficulty with understanding the concept of time
  • May show signs of anxiety when conducting math activities
  • May have a poor sense of direction (i.e. north, south, east, west)
Early signs of dyscalculia include:
  • Delays in learning how to count
  • Delays in recalling facts
  • Difficulty with time
  • Displays a poor memory
  • May lose track when counting
  • Difficulty sorting items by groups include color, shape, texture and size.

A guide to the classroom and at-home accommodations for dyscalculia

Students with diagnosed with ADHD qualify for accommodations in the classroom. Here are a few resources:

Accommodations for students with dyscalculia– Adventures in Inclusion

Classroom accommodations for dyscalculia– Understood

How to help kids with dyscalculia- Child Mind Institute

How to treat the symptoms of dyscalculia– ADDitude