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37 Helpful Epilepsy Resources

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November is Epilepsy Awareness Month!

Epilepsy Facts

  • It is the 3rd most common neurological disorder in the United States
  • 2.7 million Americans have epilepsy
  • 468,000 are children 0-17
  • 50 million people have epilepsy worldwide
  • 1 in 26 people have epilepsy in their lifetime
  • 200,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with epilepsy this year

The following links include information on symptoms, causes, complications, definition, types of seizures, and treatment:


Boston Children’s Hospital- Epilepsy Center
Cleveland Clinic-Epilepsy Center
e-medicine health
Everyday Health
Kids Health
Live Science
Mayo Clinic
Medline Plus
Neuroscience for Kids
World Heath Organization (WHO)

Organizations and Foundations

 American Epilepsy Society

Promotes research and education for professionals dedicated to the prevention, treatment and cure of epilepsy.

 Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE)

Cure’s mission is to cure epilepsy, transforming and saving millions of lives. Also identifies and funds research.

 Dravet Syndrome Foundation

Raises funds for research and increase awareness and provides support to individuals and families.

 Epilepsy Canada

Mission is to enhance the quality of life for persons affected by epilepsy through promotion and support of research and facilitation of education and awareness.

Image result for epilepsy foundation Epilepsy Foundation

National Voluntary agency dedicated solely to the welfare of more than 2 million people with epilepsy in the United States and their families.

A charity funding research into epilepsy, provides information about the condition and therapies, and their activities.
 Hope for Hypothalamic Hamartomas

A volunteer-based organization. The goal is to create information about the diagnosis, treatment, and support of individuals with HH.

 Intractable Childhood Epilepsy Alliance

Dedicated to improving lives of children affected by intractable epilepsy through evidence-based information and advocacy.

 Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Foundation

Non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome through research, programs and education.

  National Association of Epilepsy Centers

Strives to make high quality care available and affordable for epilepsy patients

Twitter -Keep up with the latest twitter feed or follow organizations that provide current information on epilepsy:

EPIC Long Island– Our very own non-profit organization of the month. Provides services for individuals with epilepsy and other disorders
Epilepsy Action– Leading member-led epilepsy charity providing information for people with epilepsy
Epilepsy Awareness– provides epilepsy training services to help raise standards and promote best practices.
My Epilepsy Team– Social network for people living with Epilepsy
Young Epilepsy– National charity working exclusively with children and young people in the UK

YouTube Video’s

Books on Epilepsy

Epilepsy: A patient and family guide

Epilepsy in Children: What every parent needs to know

Epilepsy 101: The ultimate guide for patients and families

Living well with epilepsy and other seizure disorders

Mommy, I feel funny! A child’s experience with epilepsy