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Learning Disabilities Facts and Statistics

In the United States, 1.7 percent of the population reports having a learning disability, totaling 4.6 million Americans

Prevalence of reported learning disabilities is much higher among those living above poverty (2.6 percent) versus those living above poverty (1.5 percent)

Prevalence among whites, blacks, and Hispanics is about equal.

More than half of people with learning disabilities (55 percent) had some type of involvement with the criminal justice center.

1/3 of students have been held back in a grade at least once

46% of working-age adults with learning disabilities report being employed while 8% report being unemployed.

Only 5% of young adults with learning disabilities reported they were receiving accommodations in the workplace.

1 in 5 children in the United States have learning and thinking differences such as ADHD and dyslexia

More than half (54%) of the kids in special education have IEP’s for learning disabilities.

48% of parents believe incorrectly that kids grow out of learning differences

Up to 10 percent of the population are affected by specific by specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dyscalculia.